Permit Applications
Important Zoning Links:
Zoning application forms and information are listed below. The most common applications are zoning for building construction, "change of use" of a building, for subdivisions of land, or Curb Cuts for new sites, or Right of Way (use of town roads).
Below find permit application forms, review guides, zoning districts maps, and notice of wetland determinations.
Note, the difference between minor and major subdivision: A minor subdivision creates 3 lots or less and all lots comply with district standards. Also note that according to state law all subdivisions (major and minor) need to be "plat recorded" with the town clerk within 180 days of approval to be legally binding.
"The approval of the appropriate municipal panel shall expire 180 days from that approval or certification unless, within that 180-day period, that plat shall have been duly filed or recorded in the office of the clerk of the municipality. After an approved plat or certification by the clerk is filed, no expiration of that approval or certification shall be applicable." 24 V.S.A. § 4463(b).
Here they are: