Amendment to Traffic Ordinance 2024

At its duly warned meeting on November 11, 2024, the Calais Selectboard adopted amendments to the Town of Calais Traffic Ordinance. The following revisions were made to the prior version: 

  • Lowering the primary speed limit on Lightening Ridge Road to 30 mph. (Article IV) 
  • Addition of yield signs in Adamant village on Haggett and Sodom Pond Roads (Article V, Section 2) 
  • Addition of road names (Articles IV and V) and a table (Appendix A) for clarity 
  • Update road label to SAH (State Aid Highway) (as opposed to TH Town Highway) where appropriate (Articles IV and V) 
  • Various minor edits 

The previous text can be found here:
Calais Traffic Ordinance signed 2016

The newly approved text can be found here:
Calais Traffic Ordinance signed 2024

Title 24 V.S.A. § 1973 grants citizens the right to petition for a vote to disapprove ordinance amendments adopted by the Selectboard. To exercise this right, citizens must present to the Selectboard or Town Clerk, within 44 days (December 25, 2024) following the date of the adoption of the amendment, a petition for a vote signed by five percent of the town’s voters. Unless a petition requesting a vote is filed, the amended ordinance will become effective 60 days from the date of said adoption, which is January 10, 2025.


Kari Bradley, Calais Town Administrator