No Town Meeting - Election Voting Tuesday, March 2, 7 am to 7pm


The Calais Selectboard has voted to not hold the traditional public Town Meeting in 2021. All Articles will be voted on by Australian ballot. This is in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a one-time decision and does not carry over to future elections.

Voting will still be available both as early/absentee mailed ballots as well as in-person voting on March 2, 2021 at the Calais Town Hall 1662 Kent Hill Rd from 7 am to 7 pm.

There will be an opportunity for voters to ask questions about the Articles at an online Informational Hearing in February 20th via zoom.

All registered Calais voters have been mailed a ballot. 

Please return via mail or Drop Box in the Town Office entranceway by March 1.

You can return the ballots in-person on March 2 at the Town Hall, 1662 Kent Hill Rd. If you lost your ballots, contact the Town Clerk.


Feel free to email the with questions.