Calais Selectboard

The Selectboard is the legislative body for the Town. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. Check the website calendar for locations and special meetings. Meetings are generally at the Town Hall (1662 Kent Hill Road).

Selectboard meetings are, by law, open to the public, and Calais residents are encouraged to attend. We welcome your attendance and input.  If you would like to address the Selectboard at a regular meeting, we encourage you to become familiar with the Selectboard procedures, found here.

Agendas are posted on the website at least 48 hours before a regular meeting as well as at the Town Office, Maple Corner Community Store, East Calais Post Office, East Calais General Store, Adamant Co-op,  and on Front Porch Forum. Minutes are posted within five days after a meeting.

To Address the Selectboard:
If you wish to ask the Selectboard to consider a particular topic, please email, with the subject line "Selectboard Agenda Request." If you wish to address the Selectboard as a whole for informational purposes only, you may do so via U.S. mail to Calais Selectboard, Calais Town Office, 3120 Pekin Brook Road, East Calais, Vermont 05650 or by speaking during the agenda item "Public Comment" at the beginning of each meeting. To ensure public knowledge and the possibility of public input before a vote, the board will not take action on items brought up under "Public Comment," because the item was not warned as an action item.

Selectboard Minutes:

Minutes of the Selectboard are posted in draft/unapproved format within five days after the meeting. Approved minutes do not appear until at least two weeks after the meeting occurs (when the board meets and generally reviews and approves minutes from the prior meeting).  Sometimes the delay may be longer, if not all board members had a chance to receive and review the minutes or if members are absent. 

By law, the draft minutes shall be available to the public within five days after the meeting. 

Last updated Wednesday, December 11, 2024