Calais Road Crew
Highway Department
Town Garage: (802) 456-7466
Road Commissioner
Kari Bradley
Assistant Road Commissioner and Hwy. Grants Administrator
Toby Talbot
Road Crew:
John Stafford - Foreman
Tyler Stecker - Assistant Foreman
Drew Lasick
Stephen Levenberg
Ed Rowell
Bruce Campbell (summer seasonal)
Bill Davis (summer seasonal)
How do I report a road problem?
If the road problem is an emergency that is dangerous and life-threatening, CALL 9-1-1
Under normal circumstance, call the Town Garage at 456-7466. Leave a message if the road crew is out and your call will be returned.
If the issue is urgent and you can't reach the Town Garage or Road Commissioner, call the Town Office at 456-8720 and they can reach the road crew during office hours on the radio.